Yesterday started off really good. Kin's Grana got to eat at school with us and she LOVED that! She also got to take a field trip to the stock yard to see all the animals. They have been learning about animal this week and since then she has come home asking for a chicken, rabbit, duck, and goat! :o) I said maybe when she is older. I know Daddy would love for her to show some animals. He's gonna have to help her cause Momma sure didn't do very good raising a pig when she was little! The pig thought so though. It ended up being overweight because I fed it instant oatmeal all the time! But that's another funny story.
Anyways...The other two girls and I wanted to go but they ended up taking a nap. Ah...peace! But it soon ended. Kinadie must have a stomach bug. She was up all night.
I managed to make these cupcakes while she was sleeping yesterday afternoon. I really wanted to experiment with the chocolate and see what all I could do with that. And I also wanted to try making some cupcakes in a jar. Those were a few things I'd seen online.
We are at the end of our stock on groceries so the cupcakes were a box red velvet (I try to get ones that say moist). I used my left over coffee from that morning for the liquid and folded in some swmi sweet chocolate chips to try and bring out the coffee flavor. With the frosting I whipped in some espresso (2 tablespoons) and a little of the grounds into store bought buttercream (I know..but I'm out of pretty much anything in the fridge!). It got runny so I put in some powdered sugar.
I never could get it to taste like coffee but for touched up store bought, these were pretty good. Kris said they kinda had a coconut taste. Hmmm don't know how. lol I am going to try to attempt this again sometime. I need to research some mocha recipes. Maybe I need some extract or something.