As much fun as I'm sure Kinadie had, it was a very bittersweet day for me. We had two deaths in the family. One of whom was my Uncle Dub. Growing up I remember visiting him and my Aunt Gen. I remember he taught me to dip my doughnut in my cup of coffee. He must have snuck me some while my parents weren't looking. And I spent, what seemed like hours to a little girl, watching the birds in their bird bath in the backyard. He was a very sweet man. One you always want to be around. He loved and was loved by many. The best thing is that I will get to see him again one day. And like when I was little I will anticipate the doughnuts and coffee and best of all hugs.
The following week we had Kaylee Jo's birthday. The theme was cupcakes as she is the sweetest little cupcake I know. I made buttermilk pink velvet cupcakes with a brown sugar cream cheese frosting. I also made pink marshmallow fondant hearts to go on top. I was happy with the way they turned out. Kaylee Jo love them, too! We all had lot of fun hitting the pinata. Didn't take much for it to be found on top of Grandad and Uncle Klay's head!
We also got to dedicate Kaylee Jo to the Lord! We wanted to ask our church family to join us in helping raise our little Kaylee Jo to know and love God. May there never be a day where she won't know HIM!
I also made chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting and my favorite chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting, mini chocolate chips and a strawberry. We had a chili cookoff and a cake auction for our church to raise money for the kids groups in our church. My favorite was number 4. Number 4, if you're reading this, I must have that recipe!! I could have ate more of that chili. Anyways, We had a very good turn out and raised a lot of money. Kris ended up buying my peanut butter cupcakes for like $110! I told him I could have made him some more at home! lol And I think the chocolate cupcakes went for $75. We had a few cakes go over $100. Kris always buys the Better than Sex cake. The bids ended up getting over $200!!!! Can you believe that MY husband bought a cake for over $200!!! I know it doesn't sound like something he would do but this cake is well worth it AND it was defitanely worth it to see it benifitng all the kids. :o)
Kinadie had been doing very well last month with her behavior at school. She had an awards ceremony at school where she won the Super Reader award! Daddy and I both got to be there and we were very proud of her! However, it didn't take long before trouble started brewing.
Yes...She cut her hair at school!!!!! It was pretty bad in front. There was nothing really to do except cut hair bangs.
But look how cute she is!!!