So it's been a while since I've been here. I have some requests to blog from those that want to keep up. I have been busier than I would have liked but for a good reason. Getting my degree is behind me. Getting a job is not. I am working toward taking a test to teach in DoD schools. This will be the start of my career adventures. In the meantime I have been taking every opportunity to be with children and expand my experience. I am currently caring for babies through my church and hanging out with my girls during the rest of the week. Caring for babies and being a stay at home mom are the two jobs I love most! I have also been man of the house and let me tell you how glad I am that I will be quitting that job come January!
If you don't know, Kris is in South Korea and has been there since this last January. I am so glad to tell you that the count down is on and we are more than half way done with 157 more days left!! That may sound like a lot of days to you but I have lots of things to get done before he transitions home. Time will fly by for sure. We recently got word that he will be reporting to Germany for his next duty station. I think he grabbed this up by his finger nails because we weren't real sure this was going to be the outcome. More specifically we will be going to Smith Barracks in Baumholder, Germany. I am so excited! Let me just share why.
There are so many countries that border Germany. I can only imagine all the people there are and all the things there are to do and see. Baumholder is really close to Idar-Oberstein in western Germany. It is mostly country land from what I can tell. I will sure be on the look out for any local farms.
The girls are mostly excited. I know that missing family is on their minds. One thing I have yet to tell Kinadie is that there is a parakeet farm. Kinadie loves any kind of animal! There are also nature hikes, canoe trips and trolley rides to take advantage of.
Housing over there will most likely be apartment type. So no pets. Which means I need to find homes for two dogs, three chickens, and a gerbil! Any takers? ;o) It will probably be a while before we will be able to get one of these apartments. I know in Hawaii we were in a hotel for several weeks. This time I know more and I will definitely be looking for a map of the post to get around for those first few weeks. Keeping three girls cooped up in a room will be no fun but I will be eager to get them out to experience this whole new world.

As for now, we are planning for Kinadie and Kara to go to a new school. They have to wear uniforms so I will be shopping next weekend for some polo shirts and jumper dresses. I turn 30 and Kris turns 33 in 13 days so the girls have been making plans for us. I'm sure it involves a lot of sugar! I told them they won't let 30 year olds have their birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese. Ugh, if I have to go there one more time! Kaylee Jo gets to go to work with me during the days I work during the week. It gives us some much needed time out of the house. Kris will be surprised how much they have grown. Kinadie still doesn't have her two front teeth. They have come down a little but not as much as the dentist has hoped. We'll give it another three months to break through the gums though. Kris is kept busy doing chaplain assistant work during the week but is having a hard time filling his time on the weekend. This makes him miss us even more and makes it really hard for him to be there with out us. Please keep us and specifically him in your prayers. I have his mailing address if any of you would like it. Packages and letters from home mean so much.

Gute Nacht! :o)