Summer seemed to fly by. We had lots of fun doing the reading program and the girls really took ownership of it and read as much as they could. We read before bed so it was fun for the girls to get the rewards along with the reading. They also made the most creative crafts. They created pet rocks, pet collars, and they did a lot of fun games at the end of July.
In August my nephew, "Baby Blue" was born. He's the sweetest thing ever! I just wish I could cuddle him. This is him with his beautiful big sissy! He's about a week old here.
Later this August the girls went to VBS. The theme this year was Wilderness Escape. I was a tribe leader and we all dressed up as Israelites. Kinadie was from the tribe of Issachar. Kara was from the tribe of Reuben. Kaylee Jo was from the tribe of Naphtali. I led the tribe of Benjamin. We had a great time learning to trust God. By the end of the week 23 children had come to know the Lord! Kara was one of the 23!! Our hearts are so happy at the decision she made and the boldness she had to stand up and let everyone know!
The next day Kris and I celebrated our birthdays. I made "THE cake!" It was soooo good! We enjoyed the time at home with the girls and Kris grilled the two of us steaks.
We also started school today so I took some photos last night. I knew we would be too busy to have time to take them today.
Kinadie finally got one front tooth in!!
I also promised them the German schultute. So, the morning of school I let them dig in.
Then we got to work! The good thing is that we can do it in or PJ's or sans PJ's! ha ha!
Our lesson for this week was understanding that God will never leave us. We made moon and star cookies to help us remember that he will always be with us!
Kaylee Jo's are really good!
Alright I can hear some tired kids whining. It must be bed time! Until next time.