Friday, April 9, 2010

It wasn't me!

I have seen some people do these Not Me Mondays where you sorta tell on your selves about some things you do that normally you wouldn't do. It's not Monday but I thought I'd try it out. It makes for some laughs.
Ok well it wasn't me that let the girls eat their cereal on the couch this morning while watching tv. It wasn't me who put Kara to bed without brushing her teeth and in her clothes that she wore that day. It wasn't me who kept putting the pacy back in Kaylee Jo's mouth hopeing she would go back to sleep last night. Finally, it wasn't me who threw out all the girls Easter candy because I am tempted to eat some every time I open the pantry. lol
That was fun! I might start doing that more often. :o)


  1. It wasn't me that keeps giving Arianna popsicles (about 5) While im cleaning just to keep her busy. It wasn't me that went walking and drank some sort of herb tea to try to get this baby out the other day! It wasn't me that ate all my hunny's M&Ms w/peanuts cause they were eyeing me on the table today. And finally...It wasn't me that has totally ignored dr. orders of bedrest since about a week after I got out of the hospital, Oops Lol That was fun! = )

  2. I love it! It wasn't me either, but I am not telling..... Valerie - you are getting more like Grana everyday! It's o.k. I promise :)
