Friday, October 8, 2010


Kinadie has been going to Headstart and Preschool and it has kept me VERY busy. Not only school but Daddy got promoted out of his unit last weekend so we're going through some changes. He is very busy these days with his schooling, work, and going through the interview process of getting another job. I've been trying to do as much as I can here at the house when I'm home but I keep getting run over by laundry! lol It hasn't helped that we got all our winter clothes out! Ah! How I miss the Hawaii weather. My walking hit the back burner, too. I did go yesterday but it was only a few blocks to Dollar General. We just HAD to get some candy corn! It's tradition! ;o)  And if you know me I'm all about traditions! But yeah, we are busy busy. Kin has soccer and is really liking it. Her BB gets to watch her this next time so we've set apart some practice time tonight since practice was canceled this week. Here lately its been all Kinadie and Daddy. But I've enjoyed the time I get to spend with my other two at home. Kaylee Jo has mastered purees and sitting up. She is now working on crawling and soft foods. Kara looks so cute with her new hair cut and has really picked up on the things Kinadie does. Kara has learned to count to 10. We couldn't be more proud of her. Kinadie gets to ride the fire truck today. October is Fire Safety Month. Make sure those batteries in you alarms are still good and get an alarm if you don't have one!
I have still been teaching Pre-K on Sunday. Its funny how much I have learned just by doing lessons. The more I spend with God the more I learn. I have been asking for wisdom. I am not one that can remember where scripture is found but I do know the verse. Anyway, I LOVE teaching these kids. They know a lot more and remember things more than you would think. A lot have asked Jesus into their hearts. I am so blessed to be around these kid-os and see them learn!
Well, my laundry is exploding off the couch! If anyone has some outstanding organization tips, I desperately need them! ;o) Send them my way!

1 comment:

  1. Love IT! = ) Well all except for the broken collar bone! = (
