Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Restarting with the New Year!

It's a new year and a good time to restart everything. Kinadie restarted going to school. So her and I are restarting our time working on shapes, letters, numbers, and first name vs. last name. She is still also having trouble holding a crayon/pencil correctly. Any tips?

My focus on Kara is to restart those bentos and meals because she is my Skinny Minnie and I want to make sure she is getting proper nutrition. Our main focus is towards vegetables. I am gonna hunt down some butternut or acorn squash and see if she likes those. Well, I'm going to see if any of us like them. It's not something I have cooked before.
My restart with Kaylee Jo is to restart the celebration of her comming into the world. Her birthday comes first and I am reminded of the days in the hospital holding her and watching her sleep. Now I will get to experience new things with her this year so I'm letting the party begin in my head. Not quite sure how we will celebrate. But I've got a few ideas. I can't wait!
I am going to restart my nutrition and health program. I am not really concerened with how I look but rather how I feel. I think back to the time right when we got back to Texas and how well I felt and how much more moving I was doing. Yeah I gotta get back there. So far it hasn't been hard except Daddy keeps buying junk food. Just waiting for the cold weather to go away so the girls and I can get back to walking again. I've been indoors doing cardio and strength training videos while watching Dr. Oz. Love that show!
Finally, Daddy's restart is pretty much the same as mine. He has some PT tests comming up. We are both taking a step to restart our savings. I wouldn't call any of these resolutions because these things are all somethings we have done before. We're just gonna step it up. Do you have anything new you are doing for 2011? Are you stepping anything up? I wanna know!

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